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Benefit Verification Report not updating

Situation: Report within analytics doesn't update in real time. Report is run for 3-4 days in the future daily, but is compared to the previous day's report to catch any same day evaluation schedules or next day evaluations scheduled at the end of the day won't pull up on the report for 1-2 days after the scheduled evaluation. If a staff member edits anything in the payer screen the "verified by" gets updated to the person who added information not the person who truly verified benefits; this is especially true with any secondary payers added to the EMR account.

How it affects: There are missed benefits to be verified because of the report not updating in real time. Any evaluations scheduled same day or late in prior day have 50/50 chance of being on the report and benefits are verified untimely. Cross reviewing a new report with the former day report is time consuming and manually identifying any new accounts. When the "verified by" name changes on the EMR account it's difficult to have accountability between the clinics and the verification team, many times no one is sure who did what on the account (also due to not having a change log).

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  • Mar 22 2022
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