WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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it would be nice to have a setting that will give a notification to update your exercisies after a certain amount of visits for whoever is working with that patient at the time.

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Nov 24, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, but may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.

    With our next gen integrated flowsheets the flowsheet is built right into the patient's documentation. This eliminates the disconnected flowsheet experience and would allow for a provider to easily review during each visit. You can learn more here: https://help.emr.webpt.com/article/1779-integrated-flowsheets-in-soap-2-0

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    • Guest commented
      November 24, 2021 17:55

      the fact that the Flow sheet is bult directly into the Patients documentation will not work for our clinic. if it was exactly like the 1.0 version that would be great but since it is bult in we are unable to upgrade to the 2.0 version because of that feature.

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