WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Keep the chart notes section

Hi, my name is Tony. I am the front desk manager at a PT clinic. I recently heard that in 2.0, once fully integrated, there will be no more "chart notes" section. This is a huge disappointment if true. We utilize that section heavily on the administration end of things to keep track of many important things with patient charts. Is there any chance this feature can remain or at least be implemented in some other way? The PTs benefit from the "chart note" section as well.

  • Guest
  • Oct 18 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Dec 2, 2021

    Admin response

    Thanks for your feedback. Right now we have instituted a few new options for keeping track of this information. First the use of the alerts that are more obvious and stand out more. Second we have created a tasking application that can have tasks specific to a patient and be tracked from the patient chart. Tasking is slowly rolling out to all WebPT members. Finally we have also created the idea of Account Notes which will be available to WebPT members who use WebPT billing, this is very similar to chart notes, but has some advanced functionality and is visible in both the WebPT EMR and Billing applications on the patient chart. We will certainly consider expanding this functionality, but are hopeful these new options will improve the overall experience.

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