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Self Pay Custom CPT Code on COMANY FEE SCHEDULE & have it auto populate on SOAP note

We want to be able to easily run billing reports on a custom CPT code for self pay + be able to easily 'click' this custom code when charting that it's self pay so it doesn't go to our biller (to take her cut) and we can keep it in house. We feel it is unethical billing practices to click "no charge this visit" (which is what we were advised to do by WebPT) but is actually incorrect because we ARE charging for this visit- just charging our self pay rate. And we shouldn't have to manually type in every note "self pay" on the custom CPT code line on every SOAP note. We have a large % of our revenue from self pay- and this would be such a pain! How can we make a custom CPT code in our company fee schedule that will actually land on the SOAP note/charges summary? I am also told by the support team that in general our company fee schedule doesn't even land on the SOAP note- why in the world not? We spend alot of time getting that just so- and now I'm told it's all for not? This is so frustrating to hear.

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2022
  • Future Consideration
  • Apr 5, 2022

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! While this is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, we will consider it in the future. Should it be implemented we’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered.

    With regards to the fee schedule not feeding into your note, you can absolutely customize the company fee schedule and have it affect how these codes are displayed on the billing sheet. I've included a knowledge base article below that highlights some of the areas of customization such as updating names/descriptions, as well as adding or removing codes from display.

    In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.


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  • Guest commented
    26 Apr, 2022 07:10pm

    I just added this request as well, or at least similar. We'd like to have a code for Self-Pay, which is available to our Insurance Type of "self pay." To have this code globally populate on all notes that are for this Inurance Type. We can then use "zero" units when we document the services provided, and the EMR still gives the opportunity to list all the exercises and such that were performed. Our self pay is a flat fee, so this would be helpful. It then avoids the biller from having to make adjustments (we use TheraBill).

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