WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Discharge workflow and analysis

Situation: There is no report that allows us to see a patient who has discharged after completing a plan of care or if the patient self-discharged.
How it affects MLR: We don't have a quality check for our discharges, or visibility on why patients are discharging.
What we want to Accomplish: Would be able to have a visual of self-discharges vs completed plan of cares, and customized discharge reasons to identify improvement opportunities.
What we have done about it: Created an SOP to help define to utilize an Administrative Discharge Note for self-discharge patients and use Discharge Notes for patients who meet goals/complete plan of cares. Running a report looking at the discharges and if the last visit was any other visit than a discharge visit we consider that a self-discharge.
Additional workarounds:

  • Guest
  • Mar 28 2022
  • Future Consideration
  • May 13, 2022

    Admin response

    Hello and thanks for your feedback! We definitely see the benefit of tracking whether or not patients completed the full POC or self discharged. This is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, but may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered.

    In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.

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