WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Breaking up "Neurologic" section into upper and lower quarter sections

We would find it very helpful if the "Neurologic" section could be divided into upper and lower sections. This way we could include the appropriate section in our profiles (for example, upper myotomes/dermatomes with shoulder and cervical profiles; lower myotomes/dermatomes with lumbar and hip profiles). We feel this would help reduce the amount of items on our profiles and help with the overall efficiency of navigating 2.0 profiles.

Additionally it would be great if the cranial nerves could be divided into it's own section as this is something our clinic does not use for all evals as well.

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Mar 1, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! We have some time set aside over the next few months to review content that we have already released in addition to the new speciality content we are working on. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.

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