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Allow Outcome Measurements to report informative scores rather than single numbers that have no demoninators, or percent of disability clause.

The Outcome Measures has lots of great tests. I love that I can open the test, and I love that I can enter the information and get a score. I run a lymphedema clinic. I use "Range of Motion", "Limb Volumes" and "Lymphedema Life Impact Scale". The problem is that when I print out the Evaluation Report, or the Progress Note, all that appears is the name of the test - and a box that auto fills with the number meant to represent a "score".

"Lymphedema Life Impact Scale" [ 19 ]

With lots of white space all around it. Sending this to the doctor really looks like something important is involved in these highlighted, widely spaced words. But the number [13 ] doesn't mean anything to me, much less the doctor. Same with the Volumes outcome. The numbers stand out like they are important, but it's just random number in a big white space, with no reference to it's relevance.

The large heading OUTCOMES is enough to designate 'something important here'.

Suggestions: For the Volumes Outcome:

  1. Please eliminate the white space around the box with numbers.

  2. Please add a text box to comment on the actual outcome:

Volume : [ R 1,560ml ] L 1,945ml

[ Left leg is 7.5% larger than the right leg. ]

Suggestions: For the LLIS Outcome:

  1. Please eliminate all the white space around Outcomes information.

  2. Please put the denominator in the waiting box so that the program can add the clients score with the denominator already in place.

  3. Please add a short sentence text box for comment:

LLIS score box: [ /68 ] Then auto fill adds the score [ 19/68 ].

Then small text box. [ 25% disability due to lymphedema ]

Reasoning: Therapists all have the charts for specific test score conversions. So you do not have to build in those calculations. Put a place for the score over its denominator and a place for the therapist to put a declarative severity comment. That would be big improvement, and provide a more informative report.

  • Guest
  • Apr 16 2021
  • Apr 19, 2021

    Admin response

    In our newest updates to documentation I believe we have created exactly what you are asking for. In this version you will see the name of the test with some standard information about the test, that can be updated or removed by you as well as the individual questions from the scale.

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