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OUTCOME MEASURES - option to pull staged score in daily note

Tracking the outcome score for patients on a more frequent interval is helpful to determine utilization & outcomes when patients don't attend long enough to reach a progress note. Our office tracks outcomes daily. The data gathered in outcomes is inaccurate as it doesn't count unless an eval, progress or discharge note is performed.

  • Guest
  • May 28 2020
  • Full Release
  • Oct 29, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, we are happy to announce that this request has been solved for in our new evolution of SOAP documentation. In SOAP 2.0 you can pair a staged outcome with any note type now, including Daily Notes! Here is a link to our help center that can help walk you through the staging functionality within our new documentation solution.


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    • Guest commented
      June 04, 2020 18:24

      We need to be able to pull the staged outcomes score that a patient fills out into a daily not and not just a progress, evaluative, or D/C note

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