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Pain Presentation Section

In the “Subjective” section, the “Pain Presentation” section, The “Pain Description” section needs a drop down menu with all of the options available that can be multi-selected. This was an issue with WebPT 1.0 as well. This would save a lot of time during the eval process.

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  • Jun 4 2020
  • Future Consideration
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      Keith Favreau commented
      August 01, 2022 20:52

      There are two different Subjective subsections for documenting pain. "Pain Presentation" is meant more for wellness and exercise, where the therapist is not really working with the patient to manage their pain, just to be keenly aware of it. The other subsection, "Pain" is meant for therapists who are monitoring and managing the patient's pain and actively working to reduce/eliminate their pain.

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