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Incorporate Smart Text into SOAP 2.0

Being able to load statements into profiles is not nearly as helpful since only the admin ca make the profiles in SOAP 2.0. Therapists all have their own preferences and wording for goals, assessment, etc and there is no "one size fits all" per diagnosis. Therpists need the ability to load phrases in smart text to speed their documentation when able.

  • Guest
  • Aug 17 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Nov 17, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! While we currently do not have a exact 1:1 match for "Smart Text" we have added the ability for all Providers to create their own profiles which would allow them to create their own individualized profile text.

    We will make sure to let you know if the "smart text" functionality you desire is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.

    Here is an article that highlights the "my profile" functionality. In addition there is a new user permission "Edit Templates/Profiles" that can be given to avoid the unnecessary need to make all users an "Admin"


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