I have patients that reply to our text reminders if they want to cancel. We obviously do not get the message and call them after they do not show for their appointment. Since I can't customize the text I am asking that WebPT add this to the text reminders
Hello, and thanks for your suggestion! Adding a "Do not reply" message on appointment reminders is not immediately planned, but we may consider it in the future. As an alternative to "Do not reply", would you actually want the messages to be "two-way", so that the patient could confirm or cancel the appointment?
Either way, we’ll make sure to let you know if these features are delivered.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.
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I will continue to comment on this idea as it continues to affect our bottom line in the form of missed appointments. Patients try to communicate with us via responses to reminder texts, and they have no idea and are not notified that it is a "no reply" line. The text messages say "powered by WebPT" which means nothing to the patient, and I would request that this line be replaced with "NO REPLY"
This is still a HUGE problem with us. Patients think they are able to respond to text messages, miss appointments, and there is no way for us to know if they have sent a reply. This is a basic best practice of text message communication and it is unacceptable that it has not been implemented by WebPT. It is just one example of how your services are incomplete and create problems for our clinic staff, affecting our bottom line.
Responding to text/phone reminders should be an added feature as patients respond to the text and we do not see and there no notification on the reminder that tells them to not respond or responses are unseen. In our facility we charge for a missed appointment without notification and we have charged patients because they have responded and we are unable to see these.
This is still a big problem for us, as patients are telling us they replied to a reminder text to cancel or change their appointment and we have no idea. AT A MINIMUM, the patient needs to be notified that the number is a do-not-reply.
As a temporary work around, I added (DO NOT REPLY-CALL US) after our name. It isn't perfect, but the all Caps gets their attention.
We need this option ASAP. We continue to have no-shows because patients believe they have already submitted their cancellation. When multiplied by our 16 clinics, this is having a major impact on productivity and financials. This is a basic best practice of text message communications from a business and needs to be implemented ASAP.
It's been 15 months is there an update on adding 'Do Not Reply to this text' to the reminders or have the ability to know if a patient responded to the automated text. It would be helpful.
**This should be moved to the top of the list for updates** We just had a no-show because a patient was texting questions about the time. Is it technically a no-show if they're thinking they are communicating with the office? No. But it is lost revenue and a lost opportunity to have another patient come in who's in need of therapy and who's also on our wait list.
This is a standard best practice in text message communications from businesses and must be implemented ASAP. This is confusing for patients and can cause clinics to lose money when patients think they've canceled but the message hasn't gone through.
This is a must as many patients utilize text messaging more than ever and we are losing revenue due to patients not showing up only to learn that they replied to the automated text message reminders. This should be HIGH priority for all clinics. As for adding a feature to press 1 to confirm or 2 to cancel as an example would be useful as well but first let's make sure patients know it is a "do not reply" message.