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Flowsheet Design

when you make Exercise profiles for the flowsheet make it tor where you can save your layout to be inputted by your templets not by alphabetical order it annoying to have to move the exercises every time or ad the letter A, B, or C in font to have it aouto genorate in the order you're wanting though alphabetization.

  • Guest
  • Sep 8 2021
EMR / Other
  • Nov 24, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This functionality currently exists today in our next generation documentation solution. When creating a flowsheet profile you will see a "drag handle" to the left that will allow you to drag and drop your exercises in a particular order. Here’s a link to our help center that can help walk you through what this functionality would look like when creating a Flowsheet profile in this experience.


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    • Guest commented
      April 13, 2022 19:32

      This should be is 1.0 version because the 2.0 version does not meet our needs yet.

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