I have a different medicaid # for ST, OT, PT, and RT billing per billing location. I need to use these numbers or Medicaid in Florida will terminate my number due to inactivity. We were given these numbers so they can track which location was used. The last digit is different per location. I got a letter from my Medicaid # 009661901 that it wasn't being used and they were going to terminate it on Aug 31, 2018. Now I have been seeing people at my St. Pete office the whole time and if this number gets terminated I am in big trouble. I won't be able to see anymore clients or get paid. So, I need my Medicaid #'s used on this Therabill. Please put a line in each location where we can put the Medicaid # and it can be used on our claims. I had Office Ally Before and we can add the Medicaid # and the Taxonomy Numbers to the claims. It was also preset and we can pick the correct billing provider we wanted to use. Please add this feature because this will cause problems with me seeing Medicaid clients if Medicaid in Florida don't receive claims under my numbers. In Florida Medicaid doesn't use NPI#'s they use the Medicaid # to track everything.
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