WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Applying Payments to Specific Dates and Services

When looking for client payments under the "Search Payment" tab, it would be a good idea (we think) to include what type of payment has been made from the client. For example, if a client has made a payment for supplies in WebPT for $25  along with a $25 Co-Pay payment that same day, we would like to be able to distinguish differences between these payments in this "Search Payment" area so we can ensure we have payments applied to correct dates, correct services, and so on. We think it would be a good idea to have a new column alongside "Pmt Method:" that says "Payment Type" like it does in WebPT, so we can keep things consistent this way. We also have been having a few issues with payments from one service date being applied to a few different service dates, and sometimes in random order, so that also is a good reason we would like to have the "payment type" column so we can ensure things are applied correctly.

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  • Aug 17 2018
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