When you run the Payment/ Insurance Pymt report, it totals up the payments in a "Total Amount" when you are looking at the report but whenever you send it to print, it does not print the total amount of payments. It just prints the listing of all payments that have been posted. Example of how to run the report that I am referring to:
Snapshot Reports
Under Payments, choose Payments by Date
Then choose Ins Pmts Tab
Choose dates that are needed for report
and you will see at the bottom of this report there is a Total Payments: amount.
But when you go to print this out, whether you choose PDF or Comma Separated Value, there is no Total Payments on the report.
A Total Payment is greatly needed when you are posting payments. You use this information to balance what you are posting with the deposit of EOBs/payments that you have in front of you. Yes you can just add them up, but if your system is totaling them up already, why would it not just carry over that balance to the actual report for printing?? Needs to be added.
Hello! We can definitely consider adding totals to the CSV. The totals should be showing up on the PDF, but if they are still not appearing, please contact support for assistance. Thank you for your feedback!
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