WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Case Archive

We have several patients that are reoccurring, 2017, 2018.  In WebPT, we utilized several cases but in Therabill it groups everything all together.  With this said, to print a current statement for the patient, it shows old dates of service not pertaining to that treatment session.  In order to print a current statement that do not reflect old dates of service, it has to be ghosted.  That can become time consuming when you have over 250 statements to run. It would be nice to have a way to archive those old paid dates of service in that patient's file/folder so that it would not reflect on the current statement.

  • Guest
  • Nov 14 2018
  • Nov 14, 2018

    Admin response

    Hello! We are planning on improving case management in Therabill for 2019! If you are seeing old dates of service on patient statements, please check out the "Do not show sessions with 0.00 amount in balance due" setting (this article has more info). Thank you for your feedback! 

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