WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Have more detailed statement option so patients can understand the breakdown of how every cent was allocated toward their balance.

It is extremely important to have clarity between a medical provider and patient. The confidence and trust required in this relationship is hard to build but can quickly come crashing down. A more detailed statement option can play a key part in maintaining a superb client-provider relationship. In turn this would be very useful and benefit everyone, let me explain why. Patient satisfaction would increase because patients would have a better understanding of where their payments and adjustments went through the new useful statement. The member would benefit by feeling like they are seeing clear, accurate information on how every penny was allocated (at this point they cannot). Therabill may say, "we clearly display the breakdown of how much insurance has paid, the client has paid, and how much was adjusted off for a date of service". I think many people can disagree because we live in a day and age where many patients have multiple insurance carriers. How can a patient know from the current statement options that their Aetna insurance has paid $100 dollars and their Blue Cross Blue Shield has paid another $100 towards one date of service? That’s right, they cannot. All they know is that $200 was paid by their insurance, and it could be possible that Aetna paid $200 while the other insurance paid $0. Now, you may say that patients receive their EOB’s and the providers are the one’s applying the charges, so everyone should have the information, but then what is the point of the itemized statement? Why not just send a statement with their name and what they owe? Some may see this as if we are trying to hide information from our patients and that is definitely something we would never want to do.

Please treat this request seriously because patients gain peace of mind with a more detailed statement. That would save us all time and make us like your product better; which would then make it more likely for us to recommend your product. This information is already in the system when we edit a session and look at the session history.

  • Guest
  • Jan 15 2019
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files

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