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Need an Insurance specific tab for Referring Physicians

In Texas  all Workers Comp claims require  box 17a to contain the physicians credentials, lic number and state,  EX: MDK7577TX.  I started getting rejections because private insurance carriers such as BCBS started rejecting claims if 17a is filled with any identifier as they are expecting it to be blanck since NPI appears on claims.  I have called your customer service dept and they do not have a solution, therefore, for every private insurance claim I generate,  I must go to the MD Table, delete the 17a field, go back to billing screen, release claims and then return to MD table and replace the info I just deleted in the 17a field.   As you can imagine this is not only cumbersome and redundant work but there is a high probability that errors will occur.  To say the least this is inefficient. Can you work on including an insurance specific tab for MDs?

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  • May 9 2019
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