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Innovation of the claims error box on the dashboard

When you're submitted for 4 clinics, it is incredibly difficult to keep any kickbacks straight with how small and non-integrated the error box on the dashboard is with the rest of the actions being taken in the TB system. 


A couple of suggestions:

- Cause the errors within the error box to be linked to actions taken elsewhere in Therabill, like whenever a claim is sent back to the invoicing area, or deleted, so that it will disappear from the error box. This will help prevent accidentally submitting duplicate claims. As well, whenever you bill insurance for 4 DOS and then get 4 different rejection notices in the box, have them link in some way so that not just one disappears upon resubmitting, but all of them follow suit and disappear.

- Make a separate page within therabill where the error box can open up into a larger, more user friendly control board, that can have different options and actions to take, and can be viewed in a larger capacity, OTHER than the CMS-1500 screen. Though it may be set up for it, there is little practicality in using the CMS-1500 screen as a claims error control board.

- (this relates to the first suggestion) whenever a claim is resubmitted from the CMS-1500 screen, have it communicate with the error notices in the dashboard's error box, to disappear accordingly

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  • Jun 7 2019
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