WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Report that Accounts/Validates Number of Visits Paid

The Reports available does not account for number of visits per day by each patient. Our clinic is using a manual method of extracting a CVS/Excel data and Auditing how many Visits were accomplished and how many of these Visits are actually paid by either/or Insurance and Patients.


This manual process serves a much reliable auditing if each visit is actually generating income and/or payment. The per unit accounting is useful but it does not appear to be an efficient data--manual process is required (for the purpose of accounting/auditing for visits).


The Idea is, can there be data/report that can account for each visits and account for payments receive per that visit? We understand not every claim will be paid...but knowing a a visit is either paid in full or in portions gives a better picture on how each visit is generating income/payment of not.

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  • Dec 10 2019
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