The new client balance statement remittance return address with logo is non-standard for businesses. Logos typically never appear below the company name. Typically above, left or sometimes left. The older statement had the logo to the left of the remittance and with larger font type. I would suggest: 1) lower the location of the remittance address as it's partially cut off in the window of most windowed #9 2 window envelopes, 2) Provide at a minimum the option of logo location for forms: right, left, top, bottom 3) Scale the logo with business name and address to properly fit centered in the standard window space for a #9 envelope. This would make for highly professional looking client statements.
Client Balance Statements are formatted to fit a #10 dual-window envelope. If you want the logo to appear next to the return address, ensure the the "Show header on printed statement" setting is disabled.
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