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Record refund at the bottom of a payment posting.

It would be incredibly helpful if a refund would be recorded instead of just "Disappearing". For example if an insurance pays $3000 and then a refund needs to be issued for $1000. It would be amazing to record it so when another staff member looks at the payment 6 months later and wonder why the payment does not the the explanation of payment. On the report it could say insurance payment $3,000 refund $1000. Your reports should always show the correct dollar amount to match the EOP even after a refund was issued after the fact. The EOP states $3000 and should always state that even if a refund was issued.

Same with the patient because then if the patient calls asking about a refund the staff will not say "you don't have a balance". They can say instead yes I see a refund was made on 1/9/2020 for $30. It could be put on the Client list , Reports, Change Report to Payment List, Refund $30.00.

The staff when a patient calls asking about a refund will not have to the time or want to take the time to look up a specialty report and hope it comes up. Also, the billing staff should not have to "leave a note" in the account stating the refund. That is very time consuming and distracting to the flow of work.

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  • Oct 16 2020
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