WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Create a format so a biller can use Therabill billing for multiple therapists.

Why not create a format so a biller can use the billing portion of Therabill for multiple independent therapists. This format would allow a biller to have multiple independent therapists registered on the program. Over the past 6 months, I have had a number of independent therapists call me to do the billing portion of their practice as they want to focus of treating...not billing and paperwork. When I tell them about Therabill and the cost...and then my fee...not one of them has hired me to do their billing as they have said it's too expensive. So why not offer a program that a biller can be the administrator and have multiple therapists in the system. The therapists wouldn't have access to any of the functions...it would be strictly for the biller. I brought this up to Joe Dundas many years ago but he ended up selling to you and nothing ever came of it.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
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    • Guest commented
      March 06, 2021 19:00

      This sounds like something that is likely out of scope four our product. We appreciate your thoughtful feedback and we will be sure to follow up with you if anything changes. Thanks!

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