WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Adding ability to attach notes or everyone's own availlity account

We had a major problem with Medicare trying to file our Claim with the pip exhaustion letter they needed the exhaustion letter with the claim. They do not want under any circumstance to mail the claim, they stated we should be able to check a box and let them know they will be receiving a document by fax this is by adding that to the PWK segment. I emailed therabill and they are stating we only have that option for Jopari and with Workers comp/ Auto. I Believe that through availity you have this option as well but we do not have access to our own therabill account. This is a federal payer that I believe we should have a solution for other then getting penalize for sending paper since our billing software can not preform this action as simple as adding FX letters to the PWK segment. I have attached the article Medicare sent us with the plan of action we need to take for sending them documentation such as a pip exhaustion letter to process our claims

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files

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