Red Door Pediatric Therapy (RDPT) is a pediatric clinic, therefore the majority of clients we are servicing are young children. When RDPT creates statements, we want these bills to go to the legal guardians and not directly to the child. We have found the only way to do this is by having the legal guardian listed in the responsible party for each client. If we create individual statements to a client, then it will generate a statement for that child, using the responsible party as the addressee. This will also place a copy in the client's filing cabinet, which in turn can be viewed on the patient portal so the family can ultimately pay the bill, if we decide to set that feature up. This is great! That said, between our four clinics we have several patients who receive bills and it is much more time efficient to batch our statements. The shortcoming here is in the fact that if we batch our statements, it will batch to the responsible parties, therefore NOT generating a copy in the client's filing cabinet and the family is not able to access it via the patient portal.
I am proposing you provide an option to batch statements under the clients. We can already see there is a link between creating an individual statement that still sees the responsible party, so I am hoping there wouldn't be a whole lot of extra coding to allow your billing software to do the same when batching. I have to imagine Therabill provides services to other pediatric clinics as well and I am willing to bet they would benefit from this update as well, they maybe just did not know what to ask for.
We look forward to hopefully seeing this change so we are able to continue utilizing your software. Thank you so much for your time, have a great day!!
Thank you for the fantastic suggestion and for providing the necessary information for us to better analyze. We will take this into consideration for a future project!
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I would also like to see a copy of a minor patient's statement saved to their file even if it is sent to a responsible party.