WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Supporting Excludes 1 and Exclues 2 rules

With the April 2022 update, I have had approximately 90 claims deny over the last month due to these exclusions-- it would be very helpul in therabill could flag these prior to submission and notify the provider of the exclusion.

  • Guest
  • May 11 2022
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • May 11, 2022

    Admin response

    Therabill has always prided itself on being completely self-service and relies on Members to be aware of new regulations and legislation in order to properly document and bill. Members that choose to use the combined power of the WebPT EMR and Therabill will experience enhanced documentation and billing through the EMR regulatory features including CCI Edits and Exclude rules. The WebPT EMR development teams are actually actively working on an Excludes 1 feature.

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