WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Tracking number of visits

I'd like to see the tracking number start at #1 for each encounter. It's hard to tell how many visits a person has come for their shoulder this enounter, for example, if they have had several PT sessions for various things over multiple years. Currently you have to count them up manually by the dates seen, correct? Perhaps somewhere else there could be a number of Total Visits.

  • Guest
  • Sep 20 2023
  • Future Consideration
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    • Guest commented
      May 02, 2024 16:50

      Also, right now the visit count is additive (doesn't reset to zero for each auth) but the authorized visits resets each time. So, for instance, a patient could be on their 30th visit but the authorized shows 8. This doesn't tell you where you are in the process. I have to go back and count the total authorized and the total visits and track it separately. And this is just for one case, not multiple.

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