WebPT Ideas and Discovery

This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to our WebPT solutions!
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Add ability to edit, remove, delete referral sources. Thank you

Please add the ability to edit, remove, and delete referral sources. Also, add it to KPI's in Snapshot reports. All customers will benefit as this section is used to collect data on where patients come from. It is used to determine where to put marketing dollars which can significantly help PTs grow our businesses. Making it part of KPI makes it easier to collect the data, rather than manually. When we started out, we were putting specific patients & doctor's names but that makes it harder to categorize. We learned that in marketing and budgeting, we need 7-8 categories rather than 50 that we have to manually determine which category the referral falls into. Plus, there are many mistakes due to too many options.

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  • Jan 15 2025
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