When an 835 is released and a Batch number is used, then running the Payment Balancing Report, the batch number field has the date the ERA was released in front of the batch number that was manually used when releasing the 835. This causes a problem when balancing due to manually posted payments (Batch Payments) with the same batch number do not have the date in the batch # field. When manually posting, adding the date to the batch # field will not work either, since the batch number field is limited to 12 characters long and the member's batch #s are 11 characters. MLR (MA8) has 13 different bank accounts they have to balance to and have to use a certain batch numbering convention for their Finance department. Their Finance departments have set the formatting they run for these reports.
The date is also showing before a batch number when you manually enter a patient payment in unassigned payments when using a batch number.
Batch Payments:
835 Released with Batch Number:
Add ERA release date to manually posted payments via Batch Payments
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