WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Ability to send intake in different languages (Spanish)

Members would like the ability to send patients the digital intake in Spanish for cases where they know the patient is Spanish speaking or has requested paperwork in Spanish.

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Aug 04:24pm

    Patients are requesting these forms in Spanish. It would be very helpful to have the option to submit the intake forms digitially in Spanish.

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2023 04:40pm

    Patient are requesting these forms in Spanish. It would render this tool so much more useful if we could have that option as there's a large population of Spanish speaking patients that cannot use this tool. We did request this feature be an option when we signed up but it seems it's not being put into workflow. Please update on progress

  • Guest commented
    10 Nov, 2022 04:17pm

    Adding Spanish to accommodate a large number of our patient population would elevate this already useful tool to a great streamlined workflow for Patient Access (currently we have to have two workflows, one for English, one for Spanish).

  • Guest commented
    10 Nov, 2022 02:44pm

    Spanish is a must! But language options should be top of your list to improve access to care.

  • Guest commented
    29 Aug, 2022 04:29pm

    We would benefit from Mandarin. Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    24 Sep, 2021 12:41am

    Also consider adding Burmese as another language option please!

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