WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Have patient balance visible in web pt on schedule if a customer of webpt and therabill

I am the owner of our clinic and as the owner I want to know when a patient comes in if they have a balance from prior DOS. I am treating so I don't have time to open therabill and check and sometimes my office staff is on the phone or doing other things.

After insurance has responded and the payment is posted in therabill it would be awesome if the balance could be in webpt on the schedule or patients chart to increase collections!

  • Guest
  • Apr 7 2021
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  • Guest commented
    25 Sep, 2023 07:10pm

    I just started using WebPT and Therabill almost two months ago, and i have yet to have this work for me. it always shows zero and says there is system issue.

  • Guest commented
    24 Apr, 2021 06:29pm

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This functionality already exists today in the product, all you need to do is reference the Balance from the billing system on the check-in screen in the WebPT EMR. Here is a link to our help center article that can walk you through this functionality.

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