1.) UHC ERA's should auto adjust for code CO-45 automatically, billing has to write off manually for a co -45 adjustment
2.) Humana Secondary to Medicare POST credits on each account, when the payment is applied, so billing has to correct the credit on each patient visits.
This should not have to be done manually, it needs to be corrected we pay you to do a service and it should post correctly.
Please have someone look into how ERA's post
Hi Renee,
Thank you for taking the time to add an Idea for Therabill. I would appreciate it if you could send me some examples (with PHI excluded) for the different scenarios you described. travis.dandoy@webpt.com
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I agree that ERA should should auto adjust for code CO-45 automatically, billing has to write off manually for a co -45 adjustment. it's very time consuming go into each line and do the adjustment manually while it can be done automatically.