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Attaching documentation to electronic claims

It would extremely useful to be able to attach documents to electronic claims for payers who request documentation for every single claim submitted.

  • Guest
  • Jun 30 2023
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      13 Mar 15:53

      I also vote YES to be able to attach documents to electronic claims!!

    • Guest commented
      12 Mar 16:07

      I am voting YES as well. I have an insurance company who needs proof of timely filing and they will not accept a fax. Records were mailed out, but the insurance company claims they have yet to receive it. SO FRUSTRATING!

    • Guest commented
      18 Feb 21:41

      I am voting YES to being able to attach documentation to electronic claims. In the specialty of lymphedema, we bill the new Medicare codes that were launched Jan 1, 2024. In Jan 2025, Medicare made rules that this code must include a narrative with Name of Product, Manufacturer of Product, Description of Product, Supplier Price List, and Base Code. This cannot fit into Box 19. Medicare is requiring that we attach this information into an electronic equivalent in Loop 2400 Segment NTE. This is the majority of my practice. Please work on this addition to Therabill so that I can bill these codes electronically

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