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Taxonomy option added to the groups section for Providers

My agency has to different NPI's with 2 different corresponding Taxonomies. Meaning, I have to always swap over the taxonomies in the Admin member information. If the Taxonomy was added to the groups under the provider tab. It would naturally attach to the claim along with the provider that is selected just like the NPI. It would make the batch claim process so much easier. It would eliminate human error of having to remember to switch the Taxonomy over manually.

  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2024
  • Nov 1, 2024

    Admin response

    We believe that this can be accomplished using Box 33 edits per insurance for your different Provider Groups. Please reach out to Support if you need assistance with getting this configured.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Travis Dandoy commented
    5 Nov 04:12pm

    There is a setting we can enable for payers that require the Billing Provider taxonomy. Please reach out to Support and they can get the setting enabled.

  • Guest commented
    4 Nov 08:45pm

    It does not matter because the Taxonomy does not always carry through on the claims. I have my clearing house add them to the payors that require them.

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