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Bulk paper claim printing

It would be much quicker if there was a way to bulk print paper claims. Right now, we have to select the patient, check the DOS, create the claim, click on the PDF form, it opens up then we can print the claim. And we must do this for each individual patient so it is a process. IF there was a way to bulk print, to be able to select the patients and the DOS we want to print and the claims to all be created that was be amazing and A LOT less time consuming.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2018
  • Full Release
  • Nov 6, 2019

    Admin response

    Hello! We are planning on implementing a way to bulk print paper claims, and we hope to have it finished early next year.

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    • Guest commented
      May 21, 2020 21:01

      Still waiting on this!

    • Guest commented
      November 04, 2019 16:19

      This would save so much time for us. I can't believe there is not a way to print paper claims by batches. It is ridiculous. 

    • Guest commented
      June 17, 2019 17:53

      printer paper claims...one...by one...by one...by one is just taking too long. And it's not only printing one by one, there are many steps. We have to select that patient, then select the visit/s, then create claim, then click on the PDF icon, THEN click on the PDF that down loaded, THEN we can print the claim. It's too many steps and takes up A LOT of time when the provider sees a lot of workers comp or no fault carriers that aren't set up through Jopari..

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