WebPT Ideas and Discovery

This portal is to capture your great ideas and improvements to our WebPT solutions!
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Copy from previous

This is useful, but also extremely tedious and time consuming. Once a treatment plan is made, the information (such as language, tx plan range, etc) should be auto-filled every single time for the next 6 months. There is absolutely no reason why I should be copying from previous for all these different areas when they are most likely going to be the exact same for the next 6 months. It takes too much time and should already be inputted on the form so I do not need to do it

  • Guest
  • Mar 10 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      February 01, 2023 19:13

      This should absolutely be implemented.

    • Guest commented
      March 13, 2021 20:55

      Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, but may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know once this feature is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.

    WebPT may use your submission for any purpose without obligation or restriction of any kind.

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