WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Have time automatically added up for you from flowsheet to notes, so therapist does not have to do math!

Our therapist would like for the time to be added up for them automatically. It would make the notes faster

  • Guest
  • Nov 11 2021
  • Planned
  • Nov 29, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! We have a feature that should be a solution for this idea that we are planning to work on in 2022. What we found was that many of our members do not record time for each individual procedure as that can be cumbersome, so we show the total number of each activities at the top, so the therapist can indicate the total time that spent on each procedure without requiring them to document time on all procedures. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact support.

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    • Guest commented
      October 22, 2024 16:03

      Has this problem been solved? I have used theraoffice for years and it sums all your times and recommends charges based on the 8 minute rule.

      WebPT could at least add the time per procedure.

    • Guest commented
      August 18, 2024 01:02

      It is now 08/2024... and WebPT Still does NOT perform some very elementary functions. To my knowledge, they still do NOT pull the times for each procedure (gait training, ther-ex, ther-act, manual ther, et etc) from the flowsheet to the "O" part of the daily notes! This function is very basic and NOT difficult. Not having this basic function DOES make the documentation for therapist MUCH more time consuming and can create billing errors! ...which is totally unnecessary!

    • Guest commented
      July 20, 2024 12:24

      Even the simplest spread sheet programs can sum up selected cells. I feel the administration response encourages shotty documentation. Please add the feature and allow those who don't want to use it to override the calculation

    • Guest commented
      December 06, 2023 18:15

      Correct, as administration has stated it is cumbersome to add each individual exercise minutes however I believe this is expected ? We would like WebPT to auto calculate minutes for each category (Ther- ex, Ther-Act, etc...) to billing to save time and avoid the math of calculating treatment minutes in each category to equal "40" minutes

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