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plan in daily notes needs more options and/or text box

currently the only two options are "begin plan as outlined" or "begin per protocol identified" which doesn't come even close to covering the potential options

  • Guest
  • Jan 8 2021
  • Future Consideration
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    • Guest commented
      January 12, 2021 17:00

      The "other" option doesn't seem to appear in my notes. Maybe this is something that was supposed to be included in the note from the beginning that I missed, but that's still a problem if missing it in one place from the get go can make it a problem on all subsequent notes.

    • Guest commented
      January 11, 2021 16:11

      Hello and thank you for your feedback. We will certainly look at expanding the default selection options for the Planned Approach. I did want to make sure you knew that you could use the other option in this field and type any information you want and select enter to lock in the text.

      The word "Other" at the beginning of the sentence will not be printed on the finalized note.

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