WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Supply payment types in WebPT should not carry over to Therabill as a payment on their balance.

Our patients purchase supplies such as Pulleys and Biofreeze from us.  When they pay we enter the payment in WebPT with the supplies payment type if they wish to get a receipt.  These are flowing into Therabill as a patient payment and we have to remember to go in the next day and delete that payment so that it does not apply to a visit copay.

  • Guest
  • May 9 2019
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    • Guest commented
      July 25, 2023 17:18

      In Webpt 1.0 there is no option to check off copay, coinsurance, deductible payments to flow over to Therabill like WEBPT 2.0 has. Can you please add that option so our supplys and Gym patient payments do not post automatically into therabill from webpt. we should be able to check off other or supplies in BILLING APPLICATION SETTINGS that WEBPT 2.0 has, Webpt 1.0 w/ therabill does not have this option.

    • Guest commented
      May 09, 2022 14:31

      How about a straight up retail solution? A way to have an inventory that gets reduced when items are sold as well as a way to keep the payments from going into a patient's general credit balance?

    • Guest commented
      September 02, 2021 13:23

      YES! Internal payments should not flow through. Isn't there a way to have anything processed as internal or other not connect to Therabill?

    • Guest commented
      May 21, 2019 20:35

      agreed if labled under other than copay is should not transfer 

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