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Add Alerts to Patient accounts

This is for WebPT. I would love it if an automatic alert could be set to pop up on WebPT. As a biller there are times when I need certain things to be addressed when a patient comes in. My front desk has to be super organized in order to address itwhen they are in the clinic. If it was a simple pop up alert/reminder/message that would be amazing.

  • Guest
  • Jan 28 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    31 Oct, 2024 12:44pm

    Alot of times my staff will schedule a patient, not knowing that the patient owes an outrageous amount of money from a prior case, or that that they missed and no showed too many appointments to schedule again. Or even if a certain therapist is required only. This would be super helpful!

  • Guest commented
    29 Dec, 2023 07:08pm

    I am a huge fan of pop-ups. Even for something as simple as not to schedule the patient with a certain therapist, or if they've no-showed so many times to discharge the patient from the clinic entirely. Please consider this idea, it's very helpful for the staff to stay in constant communication.

  • Guest commented
    19 Oct, 2023 10:36pm

    Agree with the last post, yet WebPT flags it as 'unlikely to Implement'...

  • Guest commented
    7 Sep, 2023 07:49pm

    Agree with everyone before! We've had this idea multiple times in the past, and here it is again with people from all aspects of the clinic still wishing it was implemented. It is clearly a benefit for billing, collecting payment, collecting patient info, alerting about treatment, and so forth. So far there is nowhere to add alerts to patient charts that you would like communicated to others who add them to the schedule or open their chart. Please see the feedback from your customers and implement this very useful idea!

  • Guest commented
    18 Jul, 2023 03:35pm

    A lot of users would really benefit from this feature it looks like, including our clinic. I hope WebPT can take the insight of your customers and it can be changed from "unlikely to implement" to "Coming Soon!"

  • Guest commented
    18 May, 2023 12:39pm

    This is the first EMR system that I have ever worked with that does not have this feature and it drives me insane. This should be a must have, not an "unlikely to implement"

  • Guest commented
    30 Nov, 2022 08:14pm

    I agree. There should be a way to add alerts on patient accounts in the EMR. Then when you check in, schedule or access a patient, the alert/note pops up and you have to click to continue. This would help in such instances as when additional patient information is needed, the patient has an account balance or they need to schedule a progress note.

  • Guest commented
    23 Nov, 2022 12:47pm

    This would be amazing to have! I have been trying to find a place to put notes or "sticky notes". We need this!

  • Guest commented
    22 Sep, 2022 07:43pm

    I think this feature is of great importance. Its a great way to communicate or flag a patient who needs example to only be schedule w/ a certain PT or other scheduling restricitons or needs as well as alerts when we need to collect information missed from patients and or other prudent information that is of value and importnace to thier care and or case.

  • Guest commented
    19 Mar, 2022 02:04am

    We had this feature in our old EMR, and you might be surprised what it can be used for when you have it. We loved being able to put Allergic to Latex, has a pacemaker, or left sunglasses in clinic or the like. We used this feature ALL the time. Sometimes nothing is better then an annoying pop up to make sure everyone has seen something.

  • Guest commented
    4 Jan, 2022 06:06am

    I have been wanting something like this for a long while... particularly a pop up alert when we click into the patient's chart area. We currently make notes within the schedule if we need to talk to a patient but if we need a reminder for someone who isn't on the schedule or cancels without rescheduling at that moment, there is no good way to make sure someone sees or even knows to look for an issue that needs tending.

  • Guest commented
    18 Nov, 2021 07:03pm

    not sure why this would be such a big deal to implement. I see pop ups from webpt all of the time for things like scheduled down time or system issues. Wouldn't it be the same type of technology to add to the patient's chart/appointment?

  • Guest commented
    15 Jul, 2021 09:07pm

    As the authorization and Verification Department Head, this is vital for us!!! So many "sticky" notes get sent back and forth, it would be nice to have a "virtual sticky note" popup for when the patient checks in to notify the Front Desk to review or obtain something from the patient! Alerts are key and essential to clean and complete claims and billing. Great suggestion!!! I am all for it!

  • Guest commented
    6 Mar, 2021 04:48pm

    This sounds like something that is likely out of scope four this product, but I will pass this on to the team working on a new product that will help optimize workflows across systems. We appreciate your thoughtful feedback!

  • Guest commented
    17 Feb, 2021 10:13pm

    I have asked for this before as well. There needs to be a pop up that you could put things like Need new insurance card or Verify subscribers birth date, etc.

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