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CVV Code on invoices

Please add a box for the CVV code on a credit card payment.

Thank you

  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2021
  • Full Release
  • Jan 11, 2022

    Admin response

    We have received approval from our Compliance department to add this to patient statements along with wording stating that this data cannot be stored after processing the payment. There is currently not a planned date for this to get added.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Travis Dandoy commented
    30 Nov, 2021 02:15pm

    Thank you for this suggestion. Therabill, and all of WebPT, prides itself in being compliant in all aspects, including PCI which relates to payments. Several years ago, we reached out to the main payment processing networks (i.e., Mastercard) and asked them this very question. Visa was the only one that responded and communicated that it is not legal to ask for the CVV on paper. I have spoken with our compliance team and they will do additional research to see if anything has changed or if they can find valid documentation stating that we can include a spot for the CVV on the patient statements. I appreciate your patience.

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