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WC/ Auto accident dates

Please make it so that the accident date is tied to the patient's case when it flows over to Therabill not just their account. Some patients are seen for 2 seperate cases at one time. One for WC, and another that we are billing to their commerical ins. Since the accident date is added to the patient's profile vs. the patient's individual case we have to manually go in and remove that accident date every time we bill out to the commerical insurance case. If it gets missed then the claims go out with the accident date on both cases resulting in denials from their commercial insurance.

  • Guest
  • Mar 30 2023
  • Future Consideration
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    • Guest commented
      September 19, 2024 16:01

      CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!! We have a VERY large patient volume that has two active cases/injuries and the wc/accident info consistently goes out on claims to private/commercial carriers then they deny and we cant spend all day billing out claims one by one going to the case and removing accident info,saving, then billing out to private/commercial insurance. And if we forget to do that & the carriers deny as being related to wc/auto injury, we have to bill electronic corrected claims which takes too many steps compared to other billing systems ( send a "paper claim" then leave insurance invoicing, go to Filing>CMS1500, add the info & send, then go back to insurane invoicing to continue sending claims).

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