WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Feedback on 2.0

1. This might only pertain to me as I didn't see any issues when I was doing an actual note... but when I was creating the template, it took a ridiculously long time because the website took 6 seconds (timed it 3 times for test -retest reliability ) to process every radio button I clicked. It probably started me off with a very bad impression of SOAP 2.0 but I hadn't encountered it again when doing a test note.

2. SOAP 2.0 seems geared towards the pediatric population. At this time, 1.0 is probably a much better option for our setting until changes are made. For example: No transfers section. and the ADL section is definitely made for pediatrics.

3. Once a template is made, you can't really add things easily. In SOAP 1.0 the objectives section had a drop down for "exam profiles" and "add tests". This is not present for soap 2.0 so if a therapist wants to add something they have to load an additional profile onto the IE. For instance, if I don't have "grip strength" already embedded into general clinic template, the only way for a clinician to get that section would be to load the "hand" profile or just put everything under the sun on the clinic template to start. -- looking through forums it appears WebPT is planning to change this in the future.

4. SOAP 2.0 no longer uses smart text. In place of smart text, therapist can create profiles with preloaded text.

5. Most but not all FOM are in SOAP 2.0 (For instance tinetti and functional reach test would be put in just like a custom test would be done currently) -- looking through forums though it appears WebPT is working on this currently.

6. Billing section has a new look -- drop down menu with search bar to find/choose CPT code, minutes, then units. Therapist must click "add additional comments" to write in what they did during therapy time. Takes just a sliver of extra time since we have to search code. Also minor annoyance but not a big deal is the spot for number of units. It is fine on the computer, but on the phone the size of the box is small (and you cannot make the form space bigger) so you can't see how many units are actually typed in. Also, for OTs, you have to use "custom code" to bill manual therapy....

8. Another minor thing, while in the note, you can't easily click "patient info / edocs/ records" tabs. You have to open a new window to get into 1.0 to click through and then access. -- I also saw others complain on forum so fingers crossed that WebPT will change this.

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  • Oct 6 2020
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    • Guest commented
      December 08, 2020 17:29

      Hi Gina, thanks for this detailed feedback. A few comments:

      • In mid-October we released a fix that should've resolved the slow loading/navigation of the page. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.

      • SOAP 2.0 now has the majority of content that 1.0 had (including PT Ortho content) so most therapists (instead of just pediatric) should have the content they need to document. Please let me know if there is something specific you were looking for, and I can provide more detail.

      • We have added the functionality to add content to the note on the fly as you mentioned. Click the secondary menu and select "Add Content," and you can add any special test or content from our content library to your note as needed.

      • We will be releasing a flowsheet integrated into the SOAP note which will populate your charge summary based on activities/procedures performed, so therapists will no longer have to use the "Add Additional Comments" option. Hopefully this will help speed up your workflow! More to come in Q1 2021.

      • We've added links to other areas of the chart such as Patient Info/eDocs/Records from 2.0 directly.

      Hope all of this helps, and please let us know if you have additional feedback.

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