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Failed Faxes

Once Failed Faxes are worked, such as getting the correct fax number, and resending the Fax and once it has been signed, there is no way to remove the Failed fax from the log. There should be a way to remove them or archive them as completed and done.

  • Guest
  • Nov 13 2020
  • Future Consideration
EMR / Other
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    • Guest commented
      December 26, 2024 20:10

      Yes! This would be extremely helpful. Currently, the "Fax Alerts" do not appear to take me to the problematic faxes. And, after I do find the problematic fax, and get it resolved, the "failed" fax item still remains, making it extremely difficult to determine which faxes are still a problem. Having the ability to clear the list in some fashion, either automated or manually, would be quite helpful. Thanks!!!

    • Guest commented
      January 17, 2024 14:16

      is there a way to get rid of or *delete failed faxes in WebPT?

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