WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Payment application

In my opinion, we desperately need the ability to apply a payment from a particular date to a particular date of service.  In order to ensure that the appropriate information is sent to the patient I currently have to look at an open date of service in Therabill and then go to WebPT to see if a patient paid on that date.  Patients get upset if you don't apply payments to the correct DOS because they say, "I paid you on that day".  I then have to go back into Therabill, unapply all payments then look in WebPT to find the date they didn't pay then go back and reapply the payments to the correct date of service.  This information should reside in Therabill and we should have to go back and forth.  There should be a list of payments on one side and a list of outstanding charges on the other and we should apply correctly.

  • Guest
  • Oct 31 2018
  • Future Consideration
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    • Guest commented
      August 07, 2020 19:36

      I agree! This is a HUGE accounting flaw. It makes it very confusing for patients to try to make sense of their statement. We have a lot of patient complaints about this.

    • Guest commented
      November 30, 2018 03:40

      I completely agree! It is a huge time suck when sending out patient statements bc you have to make sure all of the unassigned payments from WebPT are applied to the correct DOS in Therabill before sending out the patient statement.  When the payment is taken in WebPT, it should automatically apply to that DOS in Therabill.  Why isn't this happening yet???  When we started using Therabill several years ago, we thought that WebPT and Therabill would be better integrated.  Disappointed that this is such disconnect....  Please make this happen!!

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