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Accurate Productivity Reports

When you run a productivity report the CXL/NS, the data is incorrect. I was just speaking with Frank and he informed me that the only way for it to be correct would be for the therapist to enter the CXL/NS. That does not make sense to me as it is the receptionist job to handle the schedule, not the therapist. Please change that.

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  • Aug 3 2021
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    • Guest commented
      October 12, 2023 19:12

      I absolutely agree with this post. It does no good to have an Analytics feature if none of the reports are accurate. I was told this was a perk of 2.0 (the analytics) and boy was that wrong! I would think this would be an urgent matter to have accurate reports but WebPT is just aware they are incorrect and they seem to be okay with it. Doing these by hand is the only way to get an accurate no show/cancel rate which is completely inefficient and way behind with the times.

    • Guest commented
      April 20, 2022 15:11

      The reports is SOAP 2.0 are atrocious, this should be corrected ASAP. It's almost impossible to pull accurate data out of SOAP 2.0 Analytics.

    • Guest commented
      February 08, 2022 19:19

      Yes, the EMR Productivity report is wrong ---- it needs to pull the cancel/no-shows from the schedule, not who marked it. Our therapist;s never mark the cancel/no-shows, our front desk staff does.

    • Guest commented
      January 12, 2022 15:53

      Yes! It needs to pull cancel/no-shows from the therapists' schedules, not who marks it as a cancel/no-show

    • Guest commented
      October 05, 2021 22:31

      Thank you for the feedback. Can you confirm if your feedback is related to this EMR Productivity report the referenced Notes by Clinic report that is our Analytics report that we are working on to replace the productivity report? Thank you.

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