WebPT Ideas and Discovery

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Switching insurance during active treatment

For being user friendly, this system especially SOAP 2.0 is far from it. Since you guys have merged with Clinicient, why don't you guys integrate some of their features?

In SOAP 2.0 if someone switches insurance mid-way during active treatment, then the front office has to create a new case, input the patients NEW insurance information in there, and then the best part....the CLINICIAN has to WASTE their time (which is already valuable to begin with) put a placeholder in the new case, then have the therapists that worked on that patient RECREATE and RESUBMIT their notes that were previously denied in the old case cause the patient switched their insurance. I mean for a OP ortho clinic that has multiple locations and multiple therapists this is just TOO much work. How is this clinician friendly really?

I mean this is really a waste of time. Why don't you guys have a feature in the case where the front office can add their NEW insurance to the SAME case and put an effective date on their so the billers CAN SEE that instead of having Clinicians waste time?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2023
  • Planned
  • Feb 22, 2023

    Admin response

    Hello, and thank you for your feedback! We have a feature planned for SOAP 2.0 regarding Insurance Effective Dates that should be a solution for this idea that we are planning to work on soon. We understand the burden this places on our Members and we want to solve for it as well. We’ll associate this idea to the feature to make sure you know when it is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact our support team.

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    • Guest commented
      September 04, 2024 17:16

      Agreed - this would be a great feature to have! When patients change insurance mid treatment, it often leads to extra work and payment delays.

    • Guest commented
      February 28, 2024 16:00

      When is this going to be fixed, last comment was from last year in Feb 2023, it is now Feb 2024 and still no fix, new insurances halfway through treatment and more work and time to change notes to new cases?

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