The current waitlist feature has been having pretty significant problems lately - but, even when it is working 100% it needs improvement! In a busy clinic setting when we want to fill those last minute cancellations, or even those for the next day/week or so - we need to know which patient(s) for which therapist(s) to call ASAP & we need to know that is was done so the #2 & #3 person in the office (or #4 who is working remotely) does not also call or text the same patient. And have the ability to make narrative comments - i.e. Pt "X" is unable to take 6:30a 5/10 and can be taken off of waitlist - and then have those comments saved somewhere but have pt be gone from waitlist. I know sometimes, somehow when on any empty appointment spot an option does come up "add from waitlist" - I dont know how to consistently make that option appear so have never had the chance to try that out and click that option! For that - if there is something I am missing on my how to's please let me know how to use this function? Though, will it let me see that when Daisy Duck pops up as an option to fill this spot that Daisy only wants to see PT "Z" and can only do Wednesday from 11-1:30???
Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, but may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know we take a look at additional enhancements to the waitlist. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using
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Yes, a more user friendly Waitlist would be very helpful. I am in favor of auto removal from waitlist when a patient is scheduled from Waitlist. Also the ability to list alphabetically by last name and include preferred name. Additionally, show only active cases in the Add to Waitlist pick list. Often I can't get to the most current case by scrolling. It doesn't work.
I agree to this idea. It would be nice for the system to trigger or send up pop up notifications when a patient cancels so that another patient can be replaced in that spot. Not having this feature has been business limiting for sure.
I'll save WebPT the time or effort, simply reach out to Waitwhile. Find a way to integrate their services with WebpPT which should not be difficult at all as they already offer integrations with other apps and services, they are also a HIPAA-compliant web app. Their UI is also pretty modern and straightforward.
there should be separate tabs per provider as well to cut down on the amount of loading time it takes to filter by provider!
There should also be a system feature to prevent duplicate patients from being added!
There should also be a way to "highlight" the people you want called to see if they can take an appointment to let front admin staff know!
I do not use the waitlist because I don't like it. I have my own system that works great.
Wow. An automated text that goes out to the waitlist everytime there is a cancellation would be wonderful.
Our office has attempted to utilize WebPT's waitlist but it consistently gives us problems too. Sometimes it takes our team 5 attempts to open the waitlist. We have even had times where we lost access for DAYS! That is not helpful when trying to fill holes in the schedule. When it does work, I agree with you in that it needs improvement! We have moved away from WebPT's wait list and are utilizing a google doc. Our office used to use Luma for our wait list and wait list offer needs. It would be beneficial to WebPT if they created their own service like Luma where openings could be offered via text and automatically. Save time for the admin team being on the phones.