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Place for physician signature on SOAP 2.0 Notes

Please update to include signature line for physician on forms. Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Apr 9 2020
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    • Guest commented
      December 14, 2021 02:32

      I am payment chair for APTA Alaska. I’ve been using 2.0, another PT is still using 1.0. We noticed my Medicaid certification notes were not being returned signed but my colleagues were. Turns out the certification blurb is not on the regular 2.0 progress note. We may now have multiple out of compliance patient charts. In Alaska without a current certification if we are audited we must pay back any payments made to us for those patients. Potentially putting our practice at risk.
      We must get certification within 14 days of evaluation and every 30 days. Please add the certification signature blurb like on 1.0 to all progress notes then have an opt out, not opt in.

      It took us a while to work out why we are not able to get signatures for my Medicaid patients, after multiple re faxes and calls to providers we found the certification piece was missing. I am extremely concerned about being audited and potentially reviewing a huge fine.

    • Guest commented
      September 16, 2021 13:09

      This feature is a necessity and we should have the option to automatically include this. I don't understand why this wasn't a required feature that was considered or carried over from 1.0

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2021 13:45

      This should be an opt out feature, not an opt in as it was in 1.0. Many times, the front office sends reports manually either via fax or with patient. If insurance companies ask for signed reports and the therapist did not opt in to include sig line, it can delay insurance submissions. Signature lines should be included automatically.

    • Guest commented
      July 07, 2020 17:07

      Currently, this only exists if you fax the form. What if you want to print it to give to a patient to bring to the MD at the next visit? This is frequently the best way to get the the doctor to sign these forms. Please add it to the printed version as well.

    • Guest commented
      May 29, 2020 17:48

      Hi Theresa. Thanks for submitting your feedback. When you fax a document, there is an option on the fax modal to select to include a physician signature line. When you fax a plan of care, the physician signature line will automatically be included. Please let us know if you have additional questions. Thanks!

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