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Please remove the start date from the insurance invoice queue. This must have been one of your recent updates, but this is an issue because now we have to delete it every time we go into the Insurance Invoice area to bill claims. We need to be able to see claims we've sent back to that area that insurance denied to work on that claim again. The auto population of a one month window hides claims that fall outside that range. It is unnecessary and inconvenient for that date range to auto populate. I would also like to add that even when the start date is deleted, each time you go into a client to invoice their claims and then go back out to the main insurance queue, the date auto-populates again. Therefore, we are having to delete this after every singe invoice. There a number of reasons claims older than one month will be on the insurance queue...late entries, secondary claims, denials that need worked on, claims waiting for authorization. This creates a lot of extra work for billers having to delete this date for hundreds of clients every day and each and every time that time a claim is billed out. This also creates the issue that older dates of service can easily be missed. If others were having issues pulling up their insurance queue, thereby "requiring" you to auto-populate information, that we as providers should have the option as to whether or not we want that populated, then the "fix" was not the "fix" that should have been implemented. The issues with all of these new updates this year have cost time, money and extra work for Therapists, Intake and Billing. Please get these things worked out and listen to the feedback rather than giving lip service to our tickets and telling us you are unlikely to implement our requests for issues that you have created. The response I received from the Therabill ticket I created for this very issue was "The session which you are seeing are those sessions which you have not billed." This is a classic example of the responses we are getting to our tickets. Clearly my ticket wasn't read at all because I did not ask what I was seeing on the insurance queue. Come on, please get it together.

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2024
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Feb 23, 2024

    Admin response

    This update went out last night because we have a large number of Members who were unable to get the page to load, nor able to fill in any fields to try to get the page to load, thus making it impossible for them to submit any claims to insurance. In order to ensure that all Members can successfully submit claims to insurance, we had to put in a default filter. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause but it's imperative that all Members be able to submit claims.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    14 Jun, 2024 07:20pm

    If there are users that are having a hard time getting the page to load and need this date range to reduce the number of claims in the insurance invoicing box, let them be the ones to add a date range! It is a frustration and waste of time to have to delete that date multiply times a day!!

  • Guest commented
    24 May, 2024 07:07pm

    There needs to be alternative where other users are not impacted by lag times with the latest update.

    You are software developers" your role is to implement better system routes that don't take away from the users but improves. Otherwise, you lose business down the road due to the inefficiency of your software and IT team.

    From billing standpoint this has taken away productivity and taken away our ability to see ALL claims pending which is a huge component to our roles.

    Please place this at the top of your list for modification.

  • Guest commented
    15 Mar, 2024 03:30pm

    I fully agree with this suggesting and everything this person wrote. It is definitely a pain point. Why isn't this customizable per clinic?

  • Guest commented
    15 Mar, 2024 02:28pm

    Please Please let us turn off this option! The lag time that this take is ridiculous!

  • Guest commented
    4 Mar, 2024 09:32pm

    PLEASE remove this start date or at least give us the option to turn it off. This is costing a RIDICULOUS amount of time with extra loading, keystrokes, and mouse clicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Guest commented
    4 Mar, 2024 04:44pm

    Please correct this error as it is so time-consuming & a definite hinderance to work flow!

  • Guest commented
    2 Mar, 2024 10:17pm

    if you have to put a default filter in, then allow us to delete this filter..

  • Guest commented
    28 Feb, 2024 06:46pm

    Exactly!! Please allow us to turn this defaulted feature OFF, or if we edit the dates allow our dates to remain and not have to be re-edited after an invoice is created!

  • Guest commented
    26 Feb, 2024 03:46pm

    Even after the start date is deleted to see older dates of service, once you go into a client to invoice their claims and go back out to the main insurance queue, the start date is re-populating. Therefore, we are having to delete this start date each and every time we bill out a claim in order to see anything older than the date you are populating in the start date.

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